This afternoon Shawn and I had the awesome, awesome privilege to get to hold our little Kai monkey again. He spent most of the morning still pretty out of it and the focus was on managing his pain. Then around 4:00 or so we asked him if he’d like for Mommy to hold him and he said yes tearfully and reached out. Our nurse helped us unwind the cords and brought Kai to sit with me in the chair. I can not express how thankful I was to be able to hold little Kai again — even if he was giving his signature “stink face”. Kai then asked to eat something and ate an “apple squeezey” and then asked to read books. He even “tickled” my arm. Uncle Colby, Shawn and Maya played a variation of hide’n’seek using the hospital bed, then Kai told me it was my turn to hide and he wanted to sit with Daddy.
Kai stayed upright for the first time in a long time for about an hour. He’s still very weak and his brain, I think, is still just readjusting and recalibrating, but he’s doing really well. The physical therapists, speech therapists, and occupational therapists will be working with him daily to help him recover. And tonight he even asked to watch his favorite videos on YouTube which may or may not include random Russian videos teaching him how to say construction vehicle names in Russian (side note: does any other parent have kids who seem to find THE most random stuff on YouTube?).
They’re keeping the feeding tube in for now and we will see how he does eating tomorrow. And let’s be honest, Kai had his stink face on all day. But I love that stink face. And I can’t imagine the pain he’s feeling right now and not to mention the exhaustion and confusion. He is still having quite a bit of stretches of pain and it hurts our hearts so much hearing him just moan in pain, but he IS having many good moments too, even if brief, and that is definitely something to celebrate and give thanks for.
Thank you God for allowing us this day with Kai and the many victories and advancements he made today and providing all of you to help us. Thank all of YOU who have filled our Facebook feeds, sent text messages, emails, and virtual hugs. Your prayers and support have lifted us, revived us, and given us the life we need to be able to keep pushing forward.